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History of the twin short swords - interesting

Kung Fu Tea

Martial Arts History, Wing Chun and Chinese Martial Studies.




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Chinese Martial Studies, Images of Chinese Martial Arts, Southern China, Weapons, Wing Chun

A Social and Visual History of the Hudiedao (Butterfly Sword) in the Southern Chinese Martial Arts.

Posted by benjudkins ⋅ January 28, 2013 ⋅ 8 Comments



Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on February 16, 2013 at 8:29 — No Comments

Another old article from the 80's I had floating about. Some names are spelt differently but we know who they are.

A Scandal of the Wing-Chun School – Somebody Falsely Claims to be Leader of the School

May 23, 2012 in Wing Chun | Tags: Controversy, Denounced, Leung Ting, Scandal, Wing Tsun Picture (Metafile)…


Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on August 16, 2012 at 23:39 — No Comments

Excerpt from up coming Man Sau Gwoon Tao - A guide to my thoughts on Ving Chun Kuen and other Warrior stuff.

Martial Artists of most cultures use the metaphor's of their cutural and spritual origins to aid in the teaching of their arts methods and theory.

In Maori arts they are from several cultural nuances such as Pakiwaitara (mythical stories), Pu-korero (true stories), Whakatauki (wise sayings) etc.

In the Chines systems they include legendary origins stories, Taoist, Chan Buddhist, Confucian and tribal wisdom sayings and legends. These include the 5 Element Theory, 6 Harmony…


Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on June 20, 2012 at 16:02 — No Comments

An open letter regarding Traditional Wing Chun claims



The following letter appeared in Martial Arts Magazines many decades ago.


3, Nullah Rd., 2C/fl., Kowloon,

Hong Kong Tel 3-816044

Dear Sir,

RE: Point Three of the minutes of the 11th General Meeting

Recently we have received many letters and complaints about a person

called William Cheung who has distorted many affairs with ulterior motive.

As the board of directors of the Ving Tsun Athletic…


Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on June 11, 2012 at 10:45 — No Comments

Wisdom from the Ariki of Ue-Kaha No Roto - Poua Huata

It is our duty to hand on philosophies conducive to propogating better quality of life.


  • To motivate others by way of example
  • Wairua, 'Akaaro, Ihi, Wehi, Mana and Wano
  • Vision, inspiration, innovation, compromise
  • Tu taha ke ai (Incidental learning)
  • Draw strength by bein one with the great spirit (Io). If we haven't got a sense of humour get one

In southern Maori we have…


Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on May 23, 2012 at 13:50 — No Comments

2012 a new year and a new beginning for MSG


2012 Update

2010 through 2011 can be possibly logged as 'oh my god' years, especially for Kaiapoi and Christchurch. On a personal level they were very tough with loss of MSG Kaiapoi HQ and then my own Earthquake injuries which saw me relocate to Wellington…


Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on January 19, 2012 at 12:30 — 1 Comment

Some history of Man Sau Gwoon

Seeking Seeking my own "Jeet Kune Do???!!

In Searching for my own "Jeet Kune Do" in the 80's I found my own Ving Chun Kuen instead.As a youngstar I was attracted to the fighting arts very early on. I experienced wrestling, boxing, karate and various styles of southern chinese kung fu.

However after seeing Bruce Lee's Enter The Dragon and Big Boss movies I was hooked on the ideas he called Jeet Kune Do.

Whilst training in Fut Gar and Preying Mantis Kung Fu I read… Continue

Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on April 13, 2011 at 7:30 — No Comments

Man Sau Gwoon after the Feb 22nd Earthquake

Due to Earthquake Damage from Feb 22nd the school in Sewell St has been closed. Classes will continue from 93 Dunns Avenue, Pines Beach, Kaiapoi. The times of classes have also been adjusted to Tuesday and Thursday nights from 7.00pm - 9.00pm and Saturday at 10.00am - 12.00am.

Recently Steffen Gasteier and Brent Williams have been graded to Level One Instructors and will head the classes from now on with Sifu Awatea as… Continue

Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on March 27, 2011 at 10:30 — No Comments

Obituary for Lindsay Mutch - From Dominion -Post Newspaper

I am in Wellington having been here to attend my friends funeral and say my final farewells. This obituary was in Saturdays paper for him so thought I would paste it here for those interested in reading it - Awatea

Lindsay Mutch, a man of many words, most of them extremely clever, died in Wellington Hospital on Monday, aged 42.

The death, after a short illness, cut short the life of a writer of great talent, from his hard journalism as a court reporter at the… Continue

Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on July 4, 2010 at 20:48 — No Comments

The Warrior School of Ue-Kaha No Roto

Two Tracks of Ue-Kaha No Roto

In the warrior school of Ue-Kaha No Roto a complete system of martial skills, art and science is taught. This system is complete with physical skills and drills, philosophy and theories and applied science. However, due to the complex nature of this we teach the system by way of a two-track process.

Track One

The first track of learning involves two levels and is directed at those prepared to become formidable warriors in the field of… Continue

Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on June 21, 2010 at 21:17 — No Comments

An open letter from Sihing Te Horipo Karatiana - Pou-faka-ako of Ue-kaha No Roto

Article for Man Sau Gwoon May 2010

For over a decade its have been an honour to be a part of the Ue Kaha Warrior system and a little later the Man Sau Gwoon Wing Chun system. My Bokega/ Sifu (‘Master’), friend and warrior brother Awatea Edwin who started me on these pathways has been both an inspiration and privilege to train with.

It is an affirmation of inter-generational brotherhood, as our ancestors Tarawhata and Karetai fought along side each other in days gone by.… Continue

Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on June 6, 2010 at 13:00 — No Comments

Kaiapoi Privates

Just a quick note of thanks and congratulations to all of the Kaiapoi students who today took the opportunity to attend individual 30 minute private sessions with Sifu Awatea. You were all on time and came ready to learn. The sessions were designed to cater to your personal needs as of today and it is hope you all enjoyed and gained from the lesson you had. The lessons were a thank you to all of the students for their continued loyalty to Man Sau Gwoon and the dedication each has made to…


Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on May 1, 2010 at 23:08 — No Comments

Si Hing Te Horipo Karaitiana visits Shaolin Temple.

Shaolin Temple, Mount Shaoshi

In June 2009 I was fortunate enough to visit the Shaolin Temple with my partner Bobbie Cornell, she thought it would be a great surprise birthday present! The Shaolin Temple is iconic with Kung Fu and on my global ‘must see & experience’ list.

It is located in the Henan province of China, its sits under Mount Shaoshi, one of the sacred mountains in both Daoism and Buddhism. The shào in "Shaolin" refers to "Mount Shaoshi", and lín means… Continue

Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on January 2, 2010 at 12:17 — No Comments

Structure in Wing Chun Kuen

The structure in Wing Chun is first established by way of learning to stand in the basic stance, Yee Gee Kim Yeung Ma. This posture allows one to project all energy forwards towards the target. Finding this stance is done by firstly standing with both feet together whilst relaxing and settling your spirit or put more simply establishing a calmness throughout your mind and body. Gently bending your knees, imagine your body being pulled gently upwards through the centre from just below the navel… Continue

Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on September 4, 2009 at 13:30 — No Comments

Nim in Siu Nim Tau

Nim or idea/thought.

Yip Man was once asked by his student/disciple Tsui Seung Tin (Chu Shong Tin) what the meaning was behind name of Wing Chun's first form - Siu Nim Tau, particularly as the name seemingly has no connotations of being referenced to combat, because after all Wing Chun Kuen is a very combat orientated system. Yip Man replied, "This is about Lop Nim - (to establish an idea in the mind." He also added that it required prolonged practice of Siu Nim Tau to truly master… Continue

Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on September 3, 2009 at 14:00 — No Comments

Blenheim Visit

On Thursday 20th August 09 I visited our Man Sau Gwoon Blenheim school with Ian Muir and Saam-Sihing Terry Rongo. The Blenheim group is headed up by Dave Oberdries and is based on his property just on the northern belt of the town. Terry is a student of mine from the original MSG school in Dunedin and now resides in Porirua (and about to move to Rotorua) and Ian of course is from our Kaiapoi and Bishopdale schools.

After settling in we began a session for a few of the members in which the… Continue

Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on August 26, 2009 at 12:43 — No Comments

Siu Nim Tau

The first empty hand form in Man Sau Gwoon Ving Chun Kuen is called Siu Nim Tau (aka Sil Lin Tau). And although it is the basic level form it is known in Wing Chun circles as the matrix or key form to the entire system. It is considered so highly that the famous Yip Man is said to have performed it everyday several times a day. It is also known that Yip Mans third student in Hong Kong, Tsui Seung Tin (Chu Shong Tin) has spent a lifetime learning all he can about this form, so much so that he… Continue

Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on August 18, 2009 at 15:00 — No Comments

Wing Chun or Ving Chun or Yong Chun or Eng Chun or Ving Tsun or Wing Tsun

Wing Chun or Ving Chun?

As if it wasn’t hard enough to learn a martial art and remember all the terms and names for the relevant techniques and ideas encompassed in it. It can seem even more daunting when you find a myriad of spellings of these words let alone the name of the martial art itself.

So we have Wing Chun Kuen, Ving Chun Kuen, Wing Tsun Kuen, Yong Chun Chuan, and Eng Chun Cun and on it goes.

Which is the correct spelling and pronunciation of our… Continue

Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on August 8, 2009 at 14:34 — No Comments

Robert Downey Jnr credits Wing Chun Kuen for his combating addictions and re-inventing himself.

I Just found this article and thought it was interesting enough to share with you all.

In the nineties, Robert Downey Jr. was arrested multiple times for drug and alcohol-related crimes. He was quoted as saying,

"It's like I have a loaded gun in my mouth and my finger's on the trigger, and I like the taste of the gunmetal," said Downey.

Whether it was driving naked with a loaded gun down Sunset Boulevard or breaking into his neighbor's house by accident,… Continue

Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on July 27, 2009 at 10:30 — 1 Comment

Wing Chun from all over the asian world.

As the world shrinks more variations of Ving Chun Kuen appear from behind the bamboo curtain and other parts of Asia.

Recent research from the Wing Chun Museum guys has revealed another secret society branch of Ving Chun Kuen - Black Flag Eng Chun Cun (Black Flag Wing Chun Kuen) which has been taught quietly and secretively in Indonesia for the past several decades. I will compile a report/article on this newly discovered old branch more in depth soon, so watch this space. But in… Continue

Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on July 20, 2009 at 13:14 — No Comments

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