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Two Tracks of Ue-Kaha No Roto

In the warrior school of Ue-Kaha No Roto a complete system of martial skills, art and science is taught. This system is complete with physical skills and drills, philosophy and theories and applied science. However, due to the complex nature of this we teach the system by way of a two-track process.

Track One
The first track of learning involves two levels and is directed at those prepared to become formidable warriors in the field of combat but without a need to become teachers or leaders. In other words, this track of learning is directed at the general warrior looking to participate in combat against a defined enemy in known conditions.
Included in this track are the levels of Pia and Taura. Each level has five grades of experience and each grade consists of skills training and drills. These are supported by forms training which present the core skills and principles of Ue-Kaha No Roto to the student-warriors. The training of these ten grades will develop the combat capability, of very formidable warriors. It is generally expected that an akoako (learner) will spend a minimum of three years within these two levels.

Pia/Level 1

Learn all basic stances and footwork
All basic strikes with Maipi / Koikoi
Mua-uboko introduced
Must be competent in all of the above before moving on to Paparua

First three applications from Mua-uboko
Two person striking drills
Introduce stick jumping drills
Side-advancing steps
Must be competent in all of the above before moving on to Papatoru

Side-advance vs poua-uboko
-add counterstrike
Manu a Tane introduced (all names must be known).
Begin to understand the different attitudes and expressions of the manu.
Must be competent in all of the above before moving on to Papawha

Introduce two breathing exercises (Pouakai and Haumi)
Haka (Ki okioki e)
Extra striking drills
Extra body shifting drills.
Develop unity of body-motion.
Must be competent in all of the above before moving on to Paparima

(Kai-awhina) For graduation to Paparima the Pia must know and show skill in all the training from Level 1
Assist all other Pia in their learning and development. Additional combat drills are added to Paparima/Kai-awhina training to prepare for Taura/Level 2.

Tanerua is introduced.
Haka (Aue tatou)
Review Mua-uboko and Manu a Tane
Advanced applications from above sets

Patu Drills introduced.
Garara set with single patu introduced.
Entry and avoidance drills.
Must be competent in all of the above before moving on to Papawaru

Garara set with single patu reviewed
Entry and avoidance drills
Patu versus Patu drills
Must be competent in all of the above before moving on to Papaiwa

Manu a Tane with single patu
Advanced drills patu vs patu
Disarms using patu
Review all Taura and Pia training before graduation to Kahuru

Introduce Akau Tai-toka set with Maipi/Koikoi
Taura-Kahuru will assist Tauira in over-seeing the development and training of all Pia and Taura

Track Two
The second track is designed for those chosen to lead and indeed pass the learning on to the next generation of warriors and leaders. This track begins with the learner being accepted as a Tauira and is taught as a separate school distinct from the previous track (although the first track curriculum is included in the total training of this track).
All of the principles of Ue-Kaha No Roto are taught and explained until they are thoroughly understood and repeatable. All strategies and combat science are studied and an understanding of all current combat theories is encouraged. Survival is the principle at the base of this level of training.
The various phases of this track are defined by their names and are earned as comprehension and skill develop appropriately.
There are five basic phases with additional titles within each as well as warrior names which are taken as the warrior progresses.

1. Tauira – entry phase (literally an example) at this level the student learns the basic skills of the warrior science of Ue-kaha no Roto including the patu forms of the Ruruku and Manu a Tane and the Maipi forms Manu a Tane and Kara-fiu-ribo-ribo. Along with these forms many drills and stance exercises are practiced. An introduction to the scientific principles is also presented allowing the Tauira into the inner workings of the Ue-kaha no Roto martial science.

2. Kai-faka-ako – teacher. At this level the student is encouraged to further understand the science of Ue-kaha no Roto by way of passing their knowledge on to the new Tauira. Several new forms are presented including the patu form Garara and the Mua-upoko, Tane-rua, Tohuga and others. The huata is also introduced here and the Kai-faka-ako is encouraged to investigate other weapons as well as being introduced to the empty hand skills of this martial science.

Additional to these skills the Kai-faka-ako is introduced to the healing arts of rogo-rakau, mirimiri and honohono.

3. Pou-faka-ako – senior teacher. These senior teachers are responsible for the Wanaga of Ue-kaha no Roto and oversee the training of all Tauira and continually work at raising the level of skill of the Kai-faka-ako.

4. Bugena - Master teacher. This level is reached only after many years of training. The Bugena is the head of their own Wanaga and will be constantly improving their knowledge and researching the sciences of combat, strategy, healing and all other life skills.

5. Ariki - Grandmaster. The Ariki of Ue-kaha no Roto is selected by the current Ariki and is known as the Bou-aru (Pou-waru) until the current Ariki passes on to the Ao-wairua. Only after this will the new Ariki take this title.

One further title exists but is only given after the Ariki passes on this title is Matua-Ariki.

Awatea Edwin October 2005

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