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The structure in Wing Chun is first established by way of learning to stand in the basic stance, Yee Gee Kim Yeung Ma. This posture allows one to project all energy forwards towards the target. Finding this stance is done by firstly standing with both feet together whilst relaxing and settling your spirit or put more simply establishing a calmness throughout your mind and body. Gently bending your knees, imagine your body being pulled gently upwards through the centre from just below the navel up and out through the centre of the skull. Now also imagine a similar pulling downward from the same spot through the centre again but this time through the area between the anus and groin. Both of these gentle pulling ideas happen simultaneously and effect the correct alignment of the neck, spine, shoulders and hips.
Now open your stance by first shifting the left foot 90 degrees outward on the heel and then back in 45 degrees on the ball of the foot. Repeat on the opposite foot. The resulting 'pigeon toed position should be the optimum width for your own personal stance and correct structural base.
Once you are in this position it is important to then press the pelvis forward and upward. This is called 'tei gong' (pulling up of the muscle around the anus area) and helps to unite the body and effect a perfect stance; assisting the body to reach a highly alert and ready state.
Doing all of this will create the necessary conditions to produce 'nim lik' (thought force and must be maintained firmly.
In this structure the core techniques or shapes of Siu Nim Tau, such as Tan / Bong / Fook etc are supported by the potential of the whole body.

The many triangles found in this structure support both the structure itself and also the correct use of the shapes learned in the form.
Additional to use of triangles we find subtle arcs and bows within the shapes of the actual techniques such as tan sau, bong sau and fook sau. When we extend any of these positions correctly the bows form spheres. These spheres when moving have the ability to deflect force as well as transfer energy dynamically.

Each movement in the form, Siu Nim Tau, using this arc-like structure combined with Nim Lik, becomes extremely powerful as defensive and offensive techniques.

As an end note be aware that you must not use brute force or brute muscle strength in using these techniques or you will 'cut-off' the potential of them. Also Siu Nim Tau should never be tiring to perform.

More on this form and its components later.

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