Man Sau Gwoon

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Awatea Piripi Edwin's Blog – July 2009 Archive (5)

Robert Downey Jnr credits Wing Chun Kuen for his combating addictions and re-inventing himself.

I Just found this article and thought it was interesting enough to share with you all.

In the nineties, Robert Downey Jr. was arrested multiple times for drug and alcohol-related crimes. He was quoted as saying,

"It's like I have a loaded gun in my mouth and my finger's on the trigger, and I like the taste of the gunmetal," said Downey.

Whether it was driving naked with a loaded gun down Sunset Boulevard or breaking into his neighbor's house by accident,… Continue

Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on July 27, 2009 at 10:30 — 1 Comment

Wing Chun from all over the asian world.

As the world shrinks more variations of Ving Chun Kuen appear from behind the bamboo curtain and other parts of Asia.

Recent research from the Wing Chun Museum guys has revealed another secret society branch of Ving Chun Kuen - Black Flag Eng Chun Cun (Black Flag Wing Chun Kuen) which has been taught quietly and secretively in Indonesia for the past several decades. I will compile a report/article on this newly discovered old branch more in depth soon, so watch this space. But in… Continue

Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on July 20, 2009 at 13:14 — No Comments

Third term 09

Okay everyone here we go Third term 09 begins this coming week. Bishopdale begins for real on Tuesday and Wednesday see's Kaiapoi back to normal. Sunday morning (the 26th) Kaiapoi is the start day for third term 09 family classes. I look forward to seeing everyone back into it and hopefully you are all able to encourage at least one other friend or family member to join us as new students. Remember the more people we can train with the more benefit you will gain also. After all training with… Continue

Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on July 16, 2009 at 20:56 — No Comments

Bishopdale is all go.

Well firstly thank you to everyone who came to Bishopdale on Tuesday to support the beginnings of a new branch. Particular thanks to Sarah for her massive efforts in ensuring the background work was complete and we had everything needed to set things in motion. Also to the Kaiapoi Branch Level one seniors, Ian, Mark and Nathan for assisting me in demonstrating the basic skills and drills. Ian for the huge effort in supporting with this new branch development and Nathan for traveling all the way… Continue

Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on July 10, 2009 at 11:26 — No Comments

End of term 2 for 2009

Well that brings this term in Kaiapoi to an end, so thank you to all those dedicated members who have persevered through colder nights and blustery rains and wind to attend regularly. With the short break now between terms just a wee reminder that you are all welcome to attend the first classes of the Bishopdale branch, beginning on Tuesday the 7th of July at 7pm above the Bishopdale library. If you are looking for a lift to attend this inaugural class then check out with other members via this… Continue

Added by Awatea Piripi Edwin on July 5, 2009 at 14:07 — No Comments

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