Man Sau Gwoon

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I first started training in Ving Chun Kuen back in 1995 with Awatea Edwin in Dunedin.

At my first training session I was somewhat sceptical about the combat applications of Ving Chun Kuen, well for the first 10 minutes anyway.......... untill Awatea demonstrated the one inch punch.... on me! WHAAAAACK! I was on my bum...........what the.......can you do that again!...........WHAAAAACK! I BELIEVE!!!

Ever since then, Ving Chun Kuen has been a constant part of my life and I've been lucky enough to be able to walk through the many doors that Ving Chun Kuen has opened for me.

Over the years I have worked with Sifu Awatea in the stunt/fight choreography industry, where I was mainly the fall guy, getting thrown and kicked all over the place, especially at seminars etc, but I enjoyed every minute of it!

I have also enjoyed an extensive and successful career in the Security Industry/Protective Services, starting from humble beginings by forming MSG Security (Man Sau Gwoon Security), where I was working along side my Kung Fu brothers Terry Rongo and Maaka Pohatu, later getting involved in door work and other cool stuff), right through to various management roles bodyguarding and working with the NZ Police.

Although the physical training of Ving Chun has been a critical factor in helping me keep my teeth, stay alive and keep other people safe from harm in many "Unfavourable Situations" , I am a firm believer that it is the principles, theories and holistic values that provide the heart to Ving Chun Kuen, and this has led me to follow and promote the motto "common sense is our best defence!" .................................(even though in this day and age, common sense is not that common!)

Over the years I've been priviledged with the honour of teaching and sharing Ving Chun to many others and they in turn have taught me so much about myself, in particular, Maaka Pohatu who has been an enormously influential part of my life and I would be happy to possess even half the humility that he has.

I also study Ue Kaha No Roto Warrior Arts under Sifu Awatea and Tehoripo Karaitiana and I owe so much to thier teachings and friendship. I consider Awatea and Tehoripo to be not only my teachers, but my brothers.

Now I am a happily married father of 3 monkey children and I do my best to Apply Ving Chuen Kuen principles and theories into my every day life.
For me, I see Ving Chun Kuen as a means to achieving harmony.

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